19 Febbraio 2025

Berlin Alexanderplatz

Tanz in August is one of the most important and influential Berlin summer Festival about contemporary dance: over thousand and thousands visitors speak for themselves.

Last summer Studio28 Tv interwiewed some of most interesting artists involved in the festival and the same for this summer edition.

Not only summer, Berlin has always been a place for dance maintaining its reputation as one of EU capital’s most revealing creative venue. Strange enough that Dance has found a home in the coldest, greyest, probably cruelest city in Germany. Berlin is also the coolest, most liberal, accepting city of Germany and with this video we’ve been master in capturing Berlin’s unusual, nonconformist beauty.

Viaggio in Europa

L’arte può essere uno strumento filosofico di comprensione del mondo e dell’identità europea. Con questa idea, Perypezye Urbane ha promosso il workshop “Viaggio in Europa” con il patrocinio di Regione Lombardia e il sostegno del Lifelong Learning Programme. Ecco un assaggio dell’esperienza che hanno vissuto i partecipanti della scorsa edizione a Milano. Buona visione!

“Viaggio in Europa” is a workshop promoted by Perypezye Urbane and sponsored by Regione Lombardia and supported by the Lifelong Learning Programme. Its aim is to promote cultural literacy through art and philosophy.  Enjoy this sample of last year’s edition in Milan!

Capitali Europee della Cultura: quale economia, quale modello?

“Una giornata in diretto collegamento con RavelloLab. Il modello delle capitali europee della cultura dovrebbe diventare da straordinario a ordinario” dice Claudio Bocci, direttore di Federculture, in chiusura dell’evento di Salerno. “Inoltre siamo in un periodo in cui l’Europa è considerata matrigna, invece il modello delle capitali europee della cultura ci riavvicina all’Europa”.

Il 10 dicembre 2013 si è svolta all’Università degli Studi di Salerno la conferenza europea “The European Dimension of Cultural Capitals”. Per la prima volta si sono incontrate le sei città italiane rimaste in gara per essere Capitale Europea della Cultura nel 2019. [Read more…]

The European Citizens’ Initiative for Media Pluralism

The European Initiative for Media Pluralism (EIMP) brings together organisations, media, and professional bodies from throughout Europe with the immediate purpose of running a European Citizens Initiative (ECI) demanding the implementation of an EU Directive on media pluralism. The ECI is a new tool of participatory democracy introduced from April 2012 by the Lisbon Treaty, which allows civil society coalitions to collect online and offline one million signatures in at least 7 EU member states to present directly to the European Commission a proposal forming the base of an EU Directive, initiating a legislative process.

EIMP demands a EU Directive indicating clearly:

  • An effective legislation to prevent the concentration of media ownership and control of advertising;
  • A guarantee of independence of supervisory bodies independent from political power;
  • The definition of conflict of interest in order to avoid media moguls occupying high political office;
  • A clear European monitoring systems to regularly check the health and independence of the media in the member States.
  • Guidelines and best practice of new models of publishers sustainability to guarantee the quality of journalism and in support of those who work within the sector.

Click to learn more. Until 18 August 2014 23:59 you can sign to protect media freedom and join a formal bottom-up democracy excercise.