19 Febbraio 2025

“How video can empower our training skills” – Citizen Journalism

“How video can empower our training skills”  – Citizen Jounalism (for not-Italian participants)

Perypezye Urbane invites Educators and Artists to take part to the course  led by the videomaker Cinzia Espis. It is only for not-Italian participants. The course is organized within the framework of Grundtvig programme, in-service training, and it is possible to apply for a grant: course’s fee, travel and accommodation will be completely covered!


The first part of this workshop will be theoretical: learners will be shown extracts of Current TVYouReporter, self-made videos posted on the Internet during the Arab Spring or unexpected natural events around the world as well as extracts from more traditional, all-news television channels such as CNNSky News and BBC World.

The collective work in this part of the module will be centred on the discussion and in-depth analysis of the different languages, codes, communication techniques and fruition platforms of both traditional and New media.

The second part of the session will propose basic hands-on, practical exercises on the creation of video news items (writing and filming), either with a traditional or a more interactive broadcasting approach.

The participants will practice a camera work based on in-camera editing, in which the news report aims both at representing reality “while it happens” and at being shared and modified by the interaction with other users, or at proposing a more formal and institutional point of view.

Each participant’s final product will be an in-camera edited 4 min audio-visual product on a current-affairs topic of the choice of the individual, shot on location in Milan.

At the end of the module there will be a full discussion and an evaluation session to encourage participants to express their opinion on the quality of the training. This will be followed by the presentation of certificates to the participants.

The approach will thus be a “learning by seeing and doing” approach: with a mixture of theory and practice that will allow participants to try and experiment freely the topics taught in the class, in an informal environment without any kind of judgement.

Hands-on, practical exercises on the creation of video news items (writing, filming and editing), both for traditional and interactive broadcasting, will be an essential part of the module.


Info contact: info[at]perypezyeurbane[dot]org