19 Febbraio 2025

WORKSHOP “Viaggio in Europa”

Cultural literacy through art and philosophy

“There is nothing the busy man is less busied with than living: there is nothing that is harder to learn, for it takes the whole of life to learn how to live.”

Lucius Annaeus Seneca

 What is art for


Workshop held by Giovanni Sabelli Fioretti and Marcella Manni

The proposed workshop will be centred on the so called “Cultural literacy”: a basic exposure to the ideas, people, and work of art that shaped European thought, familiarity with the background knowledge that is everywhere in European culture. This can include everything from the great classics of European literature to knowing the names of the hits from the ’50’s. In particular, we are going to focus our attention on contemporary art and philosophy.

The art of the XX and XXI century raised questions that are at the same time existential questions (who are we?), ontological questions (what is art?), epistemological questions (what is reality?). Art invaded domains of the human knowledge other then the mere “aesthetic” sphere and is challenging the audience with questions that don’t always find the audience itself prepared to.

This workshop is dealing with such a change in art perception, as well as in the perception of ourselves as human beings. That’s why a new approach to art and culture is so important in the cultural literacy field: art can be accessed by everyone, if we understand some new basic tools for art communication and education.

Aims of the workshop:

1. To understand the importance of art & philosophy for the construction of our personal identity;

2. To familiarize teachers and staff working in the field of adult literacy education with the techniques of philosophical practice;

3. To get acquainted with some major trends in European art and philosophy;

4. To engage adult learners in critical thinking and questioning;

5. To explore the importance of art and culture in building a European identity;

6. To encourage the creation of a European network of teachers and cultural workers who deal with adults with literacy problems in the field of culture and who are keen to explore art in a new way.

The workshop will reach its aims through the following activities:

– Daily visit to different art institutions in Milan (for example Museo del ‘900, Museo Nazionale della Fotografia Contemporanea, PAC, Cenacolo Vinciano, private galleries).

– Working with the participants on simple tasks, such as key words and role plays, after each art visit

– Creating of a warm, welcoming, non-judgmental and homely environment within the work setting

This workshop is open to:

Teachers, ex-teachers and prospecting teachers and staff involved in adult cultural literacy programs; staff of health services; administrative staff of public institutions dealing with adult literacy issues.


Learners’ profile:

Learners will be adult from all ages. Because of the nature of philosophical praxis, the more various will the group be, the more likely the workshop will succeed in targeting its aims. We will therefore try to gather a group of people which will be balanced in gender, age, social, ethnical, religious and cultural background. The more various the group, the better will be for the workshop, and the richer will the philosophical activities be.


Practical Infos

  • Date of the workshop: 14-18 April 2014  (Arrival: 13th April; Departure: 19th April 2014)
  • City: Milan, Italy
  • Deadline to submit the application: 17/11/2013
  • Selection published by: 20/12/2013
  • Confirmation required by the participant by: 31/12/2013
  • Accomodation: provided by Perypezye Urbane in a double room (breakfast included)
  • Travel: provided by Perypezye Urbane
  • Local transportation: provided by Perypezye Urbane


contact: giuseppe@perypezyeurbane.org






Marcella Manni