21 Ottobre 2024

DanceMe is looking for 5 dancers!

DanceMe is looking for five dancers for an artistic project on Migrations, aimed at creating a contemporary dance performance.

Participation Requirements

  • Applicants must be able to access an iPhone daily in order to use the DanceMe app (currently available only on iOS).
  • Dancers of any citizenship working in Italy or abroad can apply, regardless of age.

Deadline of this call: Sunday 30th April 2017 12:00pm (noon)

Project Phases


  1. Candidates are called to:
    – download the DanceMe+ app for free on the AppStore
    – create a user profile on the DanceMe app
    – record and post on DanceMe 2017 Studio within the app a video no more than 5 minutes long (see tutorial). The videos may show an improvisation or extracts from a choreography that is part of the artistic repertoire of the dancers.
  2. Among the authors of the videos that have been published and posted on DanceMe 2017 by Sunady 30th April 12:00pm, no more than five dancers will be selected.
    The list of their names will be made public on the website www.danceme.org and on the Facebook page Perypezye Urbane within one week after the deadline of the call.
  3. The selected dancers will have to participate in a briefing meeting via Skype (project kick-off).

Online Residency and live performance

  1. The dancers selected through the present call will participate in the project from 8 May 2017 to 30 June 2017.
  2. From 8 May the selected dancers will constantly post on the DanceMe app video clips regarding their choreographic creation process (online residency) on Migrations.
  3. At the end of the online residency, only one of the dancers will be selected to showcase a live performance. Her/his name, which will be made public on the website www.danceme.org and on the Facebook page Perypezye Urbane, will be selected based on the unappealable judgment of a commission.
  4. The selected performance will be refined in a one-week residency at Teatro Sociale in Camogli and showcased live in July at Teatro Hop Altrove in Genoa and at Teatro Sociale in Camogli.

Economic conditions for participants

The five selected dancers will receive a total gross payment of EUR 2,500.00 each for their participation in the on line residency.

The dancer selected for the live performance will be entitled to receive a further gross payment of EUR 1,000.00 in order to present the performance in Genoa (Italy).

Creative contributions from the audience

The artists will work in close connection with one another and with the public by using the DanceMe app, which will be a tool for sharing their creative and multimedia materials.

The app can be used by anyone who wants to participate actively in the project by posting comments, expressing their appreciation with a Like and publishing their videos to inspire the choreographic creation.

DanceMe is an innovative app about dance aimed at choreographic co-creation and thus intends to:

  • experiment with new modes of audience engagement via digital means.
  • promote an innovative form of virtual residency.



Main supporter:


and with the support of


DanceMe performance – Paola Ponti

Al termine della residenza virtuale sull’app DanceMe di Perypezye Urbane, la danzatrice e coreografa di Faenza Paola Ponti ha presentato nella sua città il 2 dicembre 2016 la performance sviluppata con il contributo degli utenti dell’applicazione.
Ora è possibile partecipare con una video-critica della performance al contest Critica in MOVimento, che mette in palio 500 euro!

Concluding her online residency on the DanceMe app created by Perypezye Urbane, dancer and choreographer Paola Ponti showcased in Faenza (Italy) on 2 December 2016 the performance developed with creative contributions from the app’s users.
Now you can take part in the Critica in MOVimento contest, awarding 500 euros for the best video-critique of the performance!

Photo: Mélina Aldrovandi

DanceMe performance by Paola Ponti – live streaming

Paola Ponti e Perypezye Urbane
Vi invitano alla visione via streaming di
parte finale – la Performance
venerdì 2 dicembre 2016 ore 19.00
Faenza – Piazza del Popolo

Al termine della residenza virtuale attualmente in corso sull’app DanceMe, la danzatrice e coreografa di Faenza Paola Ponti presenta nella sua città la performance sviluppata con il contributo degli utenti dell’applicazione.  La performance sarà trasmessa in live streaming sulla pagina Facebook di Perypezye Urbane.

Dopo aver seguito la diretta, tutti gli utenti dell’app DanceMe potranno partecipare al contest Critica in MOVimento, che mette in palio 500 euro per la migliore video-critica della performance.


The performance currently being developed by Paola Ponti within her online residency on the DanceMe app will be live-streamed on the Facebook page Perypezye Urbane.. You are invited to watch.

After the livestream, DanceMe app users can take part in the ‘Critica in MOVimento’ contest, awarding 500 euros for the best video-critique of the performance.

Diventa Beta Tester per la nostra App!

Questo é il form per candidarsi come Beta Tester volontario per la nuova App di Perypezye Urbane. Compila i campi di seguito e sarai ricontattata/o al più presto con ulteriori indicazioni. Ti ricordiamo solo i requisiti:
  • Pieno possesso di un iPhone con relativo account iTunes
  • Disponibilità a dedicare un'ora di tempo al giorno per una settimana, indicativamente a cavallo tra giugno e luglio per navigare sull'app e provarne le funzionalità
  • Disponibilità a compilare un breve questionario finale e a darci il tuo feedback
visualizza le condizioni
Ho un iPhone (qualsiasi modello va bene), ho un account iTunes, ho tempo da dedicare a questa attività per una settimana, ho tempo per rispondere a un questionario, l'attività si svolgerà su base volontaria