23 Ottobre 2024


MOVING DIALOGUE is an artistic dialogue between four inmates and two filmmakers about life inside and outside the prison walls at Oudenaarde (Belgium). The inmates recorded their own life and surroundings with a Super 8 camera. The film artists visited places and people dear to the inmates and made a portrait. These “outside images” are brought back inside. Using their independently made film recordings and the “outside images”, the inmates created a montage and the film artists added their own interpretation. The result is a single screen video, with a video-installation that looks beyond walls and beyond borders.

MOVING DIALOGUE is part of the European arts project PAROL! – writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders. PAROL! connects the arts, detention and society. Inmates from fourteen prisons in Belgium, Greece, Italy, Poland and Serbia collaborate with writers, visual and performing artists till April 2015. This collaboration results in exhibitions, lectures and publications.

CREATIEF SCHRIJVEN vzw is the lead organiser of this European Cooperation Project supported by the Culture Programme 2007-2013 of the European Union.

PAROL! – writing and art beyond walls, beyond borders

Oudenaarde prison, BE
Production period: July 2013 – February 2014

Four inmates in dialogue with artists Lien Nollet & Fabien DeLathauwer
Single screen video & video-installation

Four male inmates
Super 8 camera
inside & outside prison walls

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