19 Febbraio 2025

ArtCoefficient_01: Garutti | PAC

Art Coefficient is a video project by Mali Weil about a meeting between a contemporary artwork and a viewer. An ongoing format involving contemporary art institutions in Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

What kind of bond is engendered between an artwork and a viewer? This bond may be integrated in the economy of the art world and in general in a contemporary social contest?Art Coefficient gather single relationships of single viewers. Single meetings made by approaches and distances.

With the support of Fondazione Cariplo and Provincia Autonoma di Trento


  1. Very interesting piece of analysis. There was, on my opinion, another relevant element in the Garutti’s exhibition which complete the relationship with the viewer: all the space was entirely covered of microphones, in order to allow the artist to keep a record of all the discussions, mumbles and “noise” of the visitors. So, it became a sort of dialogue.

  2. Mali Weil says

    You’re right Virginia, thanks for your post. All the exposition is, indeed, a dialogue between the viewers and the artist through the artworks.
    Yes, the microphones changed all the experience of the viewer (and also the act of shooting this video), and all becomes a real dialogue between 3 actors. Unfortunately because of the “video time” this interesting point of view on topic “relation” has been leave out.

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