27 Luglio 2024

Silvia Alfei

Silvia Alfei was trained in Italy . Among the many important Italian and international coreographers SIlvia has trained with are Dominique Dupuy, Franca Ferrari, Barbara Toma, Ariella Vidach, Ivan Wolfe, Rut Balbis, Robert Clark, Tiziana Arnaboldi, Laura Aris Alavares, German Jeuregui Allue (Ultima Vez Company),  Hervè Diasnas.

Specializing in CONTEMPORARY DANCE  at  C.i.m.d , Milano.

She has worked with companies Codeaux de Mainol (IT) and DesiderandoDanceCompany (Swiss).

Silvia holds a BA in Visual Art and Stage Design from the Brera Academy of Fine Arts,  and regularly collaborates with contemporary artists and musicians based in Italy and abroad.

In 2009 co-founded the DUAL LYD project with musician and composer Andrea Viti. DUAL LYD perform live improvisations based on the interaction between sound, body movement, video and specific urban actions.

She brings to each project her uniquely personal research style on movement and visual elements, working with such different languages as photography, painting, video-art, video-dance and others, in association with original experimental sound research.

Personal projects and productions:

Productions: “Glance” 2007 ,  “Valeria” 2008, “Dual Lyd project 09”,  “Sonic HH” 2009, “A (in rewind)” 2010, “The yellow Line” 2010 (urban performance), “Hallo! An extraordinary box that contains and gives words and sound” 2010 (urban performance).

Video-dance : “Pass” 2006 / “Way Out” 2007 / “Waterframe” 2009/ “Es_senza” 2010. Screened at videoexhibition “Solo in Azione Video” 2009 promoted by Perypezye Urbane and Milan City Hall. Videoexhibition “Espressioni” 2009 Cinema Gnomo, Milano. Videoexhibition “Nervi” 2009 DID Studio Fabbrica del Vapore Milano. Videoexhibition “Wallpaperdance” 2010 Trieste. International Festival “Imageneenmovimiento”, Bogotà (Colombia) , International Fastival Video-Dance of Bourgogne (France) .

Silvia’s project “A (in-rewind)” was shortlisted  for the 2010 “Premio GD’A Giovane Danza d’Autore Lombardia” prize and has been invited at DA_TO/Dance Toscany Festival 2010

Her ongoing research includes various  forms of training such as Yoga, Kenjutsu and other oriental arts.

She has ideated the project Trace_becomingArt 2010 a performing exibition that includes different performing art events.

Currently has a co-working with s28dancefactory.

Silvia lives and works in Milan, Italy.

