19 Febbraio 2025

Espressioni Film Festival – Program 2011

Espressioni Film Festival in this 2011 edition has created a network with Italian and European organizations, bringing new artistic works from centre-East and West Europe.
Milan also becomes the place to distrubute some of the most interesting videos by Coreografo Elettronico, the main video-dance prize within Italian bounderies.
By following a geo-politics approach, Espressioni Film Festival presents the “Going East” section with the films from East Europe, from Israel and Taiwan, the “Going West”
section with the films from West Europe and America. The section Italy is spread in two days with Italian authors. In addition two important events will be held on Saturday 5th
and Sunday 6th: the screeing of the four videos prizewinners of the 2010 edition Coreografo Elettronico on Saturday; on the same Sunday night the screening of “Scuola d’artisti” by Massimo Volta about the most famous ballet Academy of the world and of the docu trailer dedicated to ballet dancer Valter Venditti.

The program
Thursday 3 February – Sections Italia + Going East
Circle of dreams, by Csilla Nagy | 2009 | Hungary | 3:10
Bloody Beauty, by Hui-Yu Su | 2009 | Taiwan | 05:00 | Special Videoholica Selection
Pszt!, by Andrea Nagy | 2009 | Hungary | 5:27
Feet, by Viktor Ivanov | 2009 | Bulgaria | 01:57 | Special Videoholica Selection
Measuring Darkness, by Kopeczny Katalin | 2009 | Hungary | 26:00
Moel-Yad, by Hadas Tapouchi | 2009 | Israel | 06:00 | Special Videoholica Selection
Barbakàn, by Gaàl Mariann | 2008 | Hungary | 9:10
Sitting on the fence, by Csilla Nagy | 2009 | Hungary | 3:40
Üvegvàros, by Zoilly | 2009 | Hungary | 11:16
Corpo a corpo, by Alessandra Cristiani | 2009 | Italy | 16:00
Postcards, by Elena Pellegatta and Alessandro Mottadelli | 2010 | Italy | 7:00
Digital Solo, by Plithos Dance Company | 2009 | Italy | 4:00
Selfportrait, by Isobel Blank | 2010 | Italy | 2:55
Trace, by Carolina Brasioli | 2010 | Italy | 1:31

Friday 4 February – Italia + Going west
Bringing Sexy Bach, by David Yu | Canada/UK | 2009 | 04:02 | Special Videoholica Selection
Olivia, by Marina Quesada | 2007 | Germany | 5:00
Autopsy: Voices from your body full documentation, by Paola Tognazzi | 2010 | Spain | 8:00
Made Up, by Owen Eric Wood | 2008 | Canada | 04:20 | Special Videoholica Selection
Knocking at abandoned rooms, by Hermann Heisig | 2005 | Germany | 5:00
Dialogue I-V, by Katharina Gruzei | Austria | 2009 | 09:45 | Special Videoholica Selection
That a universe my heart may unfold, by Jessica Jobaris & Luke Allen | 2008 | Germany | 10:00
Portrait of Smiling Man, by Mattias Harenstam | 2010 | Germany | 04:29 | Special Videoholica Selection
Vash, by Elise Lerat | 2008 | France | 4:00
Niña/casi/viento, by Andrea Isasi | 2009 | Spain | 5:18
Collide-O-Scope, by Naren Wilks | UK | 2010 | 03:24 | Special Videoholica Selection
Zoe, by Carmen Gomez (El Cuerpo Filmado) | 2010 | Spain | 18:00
Journey to the Navel of the World, by Alex Cassal & Alice Ripoll | 2007 | Brazil | 06:30 | Special Videoholica Selection
Piccioni, by Grazia di Colpo | 2007 | Italy | 8:00
Breaking expectations, by Elisa Ferrari | 2009 | Italy | 4:05
Fruscio Muto (Le preparatrici. Imminente), by Paola Ponti | 2010 | Italy | 2:24
Elektro-Kokon, by Mariano Leotta | 2010 | Italy | 1:12
Close to me, by Gianluca Sciannameo | 2010 | Italy | 3:58

Saturday 5 February – Il Coreografo Elettronico 2010
Menzione Speciale – Find the dancers, regia: Sirah Foighel Brutmann, Eitan Efrat; coreografia: Sirah Foighel Brutmann, Eitan Efrat | 2009 | Olanda/Israele | 4:25
Menzione Speciale – Promise of fallen time, di Isabel Rocamora | 2009 | Spagna/UK | 18:52
Primo Premio – Derriere Elle, regia: Ishrann Sigidijan, Thomas Turine, Natalia Sardi, Laida Aldaz, coreografie di Natalia Sardi, Laida Aldaz | 2009 | Belgio | 12:41
Premio Giovane Autore – Francesche, regia: Fiorenzo Zancan, Chiara Bortoli; coreografia: Chiara Bortoli | 2009 | Italia | 13:25

Sunday 6 February – Documentaries
Massimo Volta, autore de “Scuola d’artisti”, Cristiano Mugetti, Alessia Gennari, Lia Courrier, autori del documentario in fase di realizzazione “Il maestro, dialoghi con Valter Venditti”, intervengono dal vivo in una presentazione pubblica prima delle proiezioni.
Trailer di Il Maestro, dialoghi con Valter Venditti, di Cristiano Mugetti, una produzione Graziadicolpo | 2011 | Italia | 3:00
Scuola d’artisti, di Massimo Volta, una produzione Artom Productions | 2009 | Italia | 60:00

ПЪРВИ №0 (FIRST №0), di Neno Belchev | 2008 | Bulgaria
Water Clock, di Georgi Krastev & Cvetan Krastev | 2009 | Bulgaria | 2:00] Bijeg, di Aleksandar Saša Božović | 2008 | Montenegro
Tan-tan, di Zoran Zonjo Marković | 2009 | Montenegro
Three stories, di Durdica Mrkailo | 2009 | Serbia
Metamorphosis, di Igor Balgavi | 2007 | Serbia
Node Collector, di Davor Balgavi | 2009 | Serbia
New form, di Vivien Kurtovic e Ksenija Jankovic | 2009 | Serbia
Multiple frames, di Jagannatha Dasi | 2010 | Serbia
Unexpected Revelry, di Vedran Ferizovic e Miroslav Popovic | 2009 | Serbia

Foyer spot: Arts by chance videos
The concept of “itinerant” aims to share the film heritage, specifically in Italy, from the Northern to the Southern part of the country, creating an ideal creative link within the Italian territory. Then the festival heads straight for Europe, to set off to the opposite part of the world, Brazil, in order to push the territorial boundaries and embrace an international cooperation. This network is intended to serve as a way of building bridges without frontiers and to foster true artistic exchange and production.

The festival will travel to:
Siena – Rome – Bari – Catania (Italy), Nis-Sombor (Serbia), Podgorica (Montenegro), Varna (Bulgaria), Izmir (Turkey) and Praia de Iraçema (Brazil)

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